BoostDraft Toolbar

Show + Hide


To view the toolbar, click on the arrow pointing to the right.


To hide the toolbar, click on the arrow pointing to the left.

Author Name

The current author name is displayed, which can be clicked on to change. This can also be changed by clicking 'Change Author Name' in the 'Editing' section of the BoostDraft Word tab.

Navigation Selection

Shows the section that your cursor is located in. Highlights the full section if clicked.


When updating a section, you may need to update other sections that are referenced, or vise versa. By default, this section will display the number of backlinks referenced in the section that your cursor is located in. To view the backlinked sections, click on the section. You can also view these full sections in a new Word window by clicking 'Open in new window'.


Navigate Backward

Click this section to move your cursor to the section that it was in previously. You will be able to navigate back to your current section using the navigate forward button.

Navigate Forward

After navigating backward, return to the sections you navigated back from  by clicking this button. If you haven't navigated backward yet, this button will appear as gray and unclickable.


Click this button to display the BoostDraft outline. This can also be accomplished by clicking Outline > Boost Outline on the top left of the BoostDraft tab in Word.

Smart Format

Click this button to format the section that your cursor is currently in to match the formatting of the section that your cursor was previously in. You can view the previous section by navigating backward.

Note: This differs from the 'Smart Format' option in the navigation bar, which matches the format of the current section to the section in front of it.


In case of any issues (e.g., misalignment of underlines / highlights), click the reload button to re-run BoostDraft add-in.

Related Documents

To view the related documents page, click the three dots in the toolbar, then click 'Related Documents'. This page will scan through your computer's documents for different versions of your current file. Click 'Compare' to open a new Word window showing any updates that your current document has made.


Feedback is always welcome!

You can submit your feedback to your BoostDraft contact person anytime.

Alternatively, you can submit it directly from the software running on your document >