Installation (for individual users)

Command line options

/silent Installation without User Interface

/uninstall Uninstall BoostDraft

/skip-vsto Skip installation for VSTO Runtime

/delcache Deleting ClickOnce cache. If you encounter unknown error, try adding this option

Adding Product key manually

Go to Registration in the BoostDraft Tab

Enter your product key and email address and click Register

VDI environment

We have many customers using VDI such as Citrix, VMware and etc. with persistent or non-persistent mode.  We generally recommend our customers to install the software by individual basis. The software will be installed 

It works well even with non-persistent mode.

Locate the product key with Script

Create productkey.xml per user, such as yohei_fujii_productkey.xml

Locate each productkey to %AppData%\BoostDraft directory

Copy yohei_fujii_productkey.xml %AppData%\BoostDraft\productkey.xml

Using a script to install BoostDraft per user

In order to check if BoostDraft is installed in this user, check if the following key exists in Registry

Please make sure you change the path and filename for BoostDraftInstaller

reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Word\Addins\BoostDraftAlpha /v Manifest

if %errorlevel% equ 0 GOTO SKIP_INSTLLATION

certutil -addstore -user TrustedPublisher \\fileserver\INSTALL$\BoostDraft\BoostDraftClientCertificate2027.cer

                                         \\fileserver\INSTALL$\BoostDraft\BoostDraftAgentInstaller_USLaw.exe /silent

For the Certificate, please download from here if you needed from here. Download Certificate

BoostDraftClientCertificate2027.cer:  Trusted Publisher

SectigoPublicCodeSigningCAR36.cer, SectigoPublicCodeSigningRootR46.cer: Intermediate Certification Authority

Sectigo(AAA).cer:  Trusted Root Certification Authority

Technical details

BoostDraft consists of two parts. These two parts collaborate well and achieve great user experience

System Requirements

Other requirements

Please click here to see System requirements and recommended settings

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the installation require Administrator privileges?

No for BoostDraft. Yes for Dependencies

As long as dependencies are installed, administrator rights are not required.

Belows are the dependencies

- NET Framework v4.7.2 or more:

- VSTO Runtime:

Network error happens while installation. What happened?

Please double-check check Proxy setting and Security Setting.

 In the current installer version, we are not supporting Proxy (except for transparent Proxy). Please allow direct access to 


We are working on creating a new installer that supports proxy, and it will be released in a couple of months.

With silent install, how do we set a product key?

Two ways.

(1) Individual user to add product key and email address 

(2) Create a product key file and locate it to each users %AppData%

For the second option, please talk to the BoostDraft team.

How do we uninstall BoostDraft?

Go to Windows Apps and Select BoostDraft to uninstall.  Detail