
Smart Format

Why smart formatting?

This is a very powerful feature that quickly allows you to copy & paste content from other documents and blend it in with your document. 

While Word native functionality can also help with this, it requires adjusting multiple items like fonts, title, line break, etc.

How do I use it?

Smart Formatting formats the entire paragraph of the selected text to match the formatting of the previous paragraph.

To trigger smart formatting, select two lines that you want to format and click 'Smart Format' in the BoostDraft toolbar, as shown here >

Popup Editing

What is it?

Recently added to BoostDraft, you can now edit a term/section shown in a popup.


Click on the term/section, then click 'Edit'

Update the definition, then click 'Apply Changes'

The definition will reflect your changes.

Input Prediction

This is a really helpful functionality when you want to add cross-references to other sections in your document. 

This feature provides suggestion to auto fill and create a reference to that section in one-click, instead of the user spending a long time creating it manually.

Change Author Name

Documents may have edits from multiple individuals, each saved under "Track Changes" in the "Review" tab in MS Word. Once the document is ready to be sent to external parties, it may be helpful to:

Using BoostDraft's "Change Author Name" feature, users can rename individual authors and consolidate multiple authors into one.

To use this feature:


Feedback is always welcome!

You can submit your feedback to your BoostDraft contact person anytime.

Alternatively, you can submit it directly from the software running on your document >