Fix Inconsistency

Use Case

When documents are edited by multiple contributors, each with their own formatting style, it can become unstandardized. Before finalizing any document, use this tool to standardize rules such as the amount of space around characters, words, and sentences.

Basic Use

To fix inconsistencies in your document, follow these steps:

2. Use the toggle on the left to turn on/off any rules that are acive in your document

3. On the right hand side:

4. On the bottom right, click "Search".

5. In the results window, you can collapse previewed changes using the arrow on the top right of each section

6. Uncheck any section for rules that you do not wanted to make changes for

7. Click "Replace"

8. View the list of changes

Active vs. Inactive/Disabled Rules

If a rule affects the document, it will appear in the "Active" tab. If not, it can be found under "Inactive/Disabled".


Space before comma

Adds a space before each comma. If turned off, no space will be left before the comma.

hello, David → hello , David

Double spacing between words

Leaves two spaces between words. If not, leaves one space between words.

the dog the  dog

Double spacing between sentences

Leaves two spaces between sentences. If not, leaves one space between sentences.

I walked outside. I sat down. I walked outside.  I sat down.

Add parenthetical spacing

Adds extra spaces on the inside of parenthesis.

(example) → ( example )

Month Day or Day Month

The format that dates follow.


The format that currencies follow.

Period in Headings

Adds a period to the end of each heading

Introduction → Introduction.

Definite articles in definitions

Adds the to terms defined in quotes and parentheses.

(the "ABC") → ("ABC")

Written out/sectioned (two levels)

How citations are formatted.

Written out/sectioned (three levels)

Same as the two level version, but also includes item.

Straight/Curly quotes

The style of quotes that are used.

Date Format

Add or Edit Rules

Outside of the rules that BoostDraft provides, we can create our own rules. This allows us to update similar words to a single standard. To do so:

Don't Search Contents in ...

Some clauses, such as defined or bracketed terms, may not abide by the same formatting rules as the rest of the document. Use this section to avoid updating these types of clauses.


Feedback is always welcome!

You can submit your feedback to your BoostDraft contact person anytime.

Alternatively, you can submit it directly from the software running on your document >